5S is a best known tool for implementing system approach to management (Quality Management Principle No. 4; ISO 9000) “5 S” is also starting point for Lean deployment. 5 S stands for:
Implementing ISO 9000, ISO 14000, OHSAS 18000, Lean, Six Sigma requires systematic approach to everything we do. ISOhelpline Training slides are designed in such a way that you can explain the concept of 5 S (or SOBER) in a lay-mans terms. |
Training PowerPoint
You will get following:
ISOhelpline has suggested easy to use terminologies, which makes it easy to explain. The concept of initiating a FIR for nonconformance or RED TAG is really down to earth as it makes whole thing very easy.
R. A. Sharma
IRCA Registered Lead Auditor and Leading Management Consultant
Hyderabad, A.P., India
Standard Version
1 PowerPoint Show (PPS file, non-editable)
- One PowerPoint file with 45 slides explaining 5 S
US$ 23.95 Only
US$ 23.95 Only
Professional Version
1 PowerPoint Presentation (PPT File, editable)
One PowerPoint file with 45 slides explaining 5 S US$ 41.95 Only
Search Terms
5 S PowerPoint Training Slides | SOBER principles | House Keeping | Lean Management Techniques | 5-S & Lean | 5-S Training PPT | 5S PPT | 5S Slides
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