EnMS ISO 50000 | ISO 50001:2011 PPT | Energy Manual

ISO 50001:2011 is an energy management system standard published by ISO on 2011-06-09.

ISO 5001 ppt Energy manual

ISO 50001: 2011

Various national standard bodies are now adopting the standard as their national standards like BSI has adopted the same as BS ISO 50001 and published on 2011-06-15.

This should be noted here that there is no standard named (or numbered) ISO 50000. It is also not a series of standards as ISO 50000 series like ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ISO 27000 etc. ISO 50001 is a single standard meant for certification.

ISO 50001: 2011 specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system.

The purpose of ISO 50001: 2011 is to enable an organization to achieve continual improvement in its energy use and consumption or energy performance through a systematic approach.

ISO 50001:2011 does not define specific energy consumption criteria but requires organizations to define its energy performance indices and targets and achieve them by implementing a proper action plan.

ISO 50001:2011 certification can be achieve irrespective of certification to any other standard such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18000, though it can be integrated with any other standard and ingrated certification can also be obtained.

Like ISO 14001, ISO 50001:2011 also provides guidance on its use in the Annex A provided with the standard.

ISO 50001: 2011 EnMS Training PowerPoint - Training Kit - Professional Version User's Choice Award on TheDownloadPlanet.com

ISO 50001: 2011 PPT | Training PowerPoint

The PowerPoint contains over 85 slides with tutor notes.

The presentation uses standard ISOhelpline template that you see in all other training PowerPoint presntations released by ISOhelpline for various other standards.

PowerPoint Covers:
1. Why EnMS / Benefits
2. Introduction to ISO
3. Emergence of EnMS Standards
4. Introduction to ISO 50000
5. ISO 50001: 2011 [covers all clauses]

Includes suitable graphics, cartoons and activities.

Price: USD 77.95

[wpepdd name=”ISO 50001 Training PPT” price=”77.95″ url=”http://www.isohelpline.com/wp-content/uploads/iso/ISO50001training_professional.zip” align=”center”]

ISO 50001: 2011 Manual | Energy Manual

Though ISO 50001: 2011 does not require a energy manual but having a energy manual helps because it will formally document top management’s commitment for energy management system.

Price USD 77.95

Available on Request.

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